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My qigong healing methods utilise the art energy transmission, including the energies of the Four Elements, Akasha and Non-Dual White light and also specific Buddhist, Taoist and planetary deities.

Akashic Flame.jpg

Akasha and Non-Dual White Light

Dissolve old energies and resistances to heal and align with your highest self.


Fudo Myoo, ‘The Immovable One’.

Also known as Achala, Fudo Myoo is the destroyer of delusion and remover of obstacles. With his fearsome appearance and ability to remain unmoved by carnal desires, Fudo Myoo is equivalent to Vairochana Buddha, a wrathful emanation of the Buddha of Light. His role is to help living beings by showing them the teachings of Buddha and helping them to gain self-control.


Akasagarbha, ‘The Gift Bearer’.

Akasagarbha is regarded as one of the eight great bodhisattvas. His name can be translated as ‘boundless space treasury’ or ‘void store’ as his wisdom is said to be as boundless as space itself. 

Single 1 hour session: USD $75 
5 x 1 hour sessions package: USD $350

Energy healing sessions are online via Zoom and in-person.

An energy healing session with me lasts about an hour and takes place in-person (Chiang Mai, Thailand) or online via Zoom. I will send you a short form to fill out beforehand so that I can better understand what brings you to the healing and how best I can help you. We will discuss your situation and needs further during our first session together.


If you are attending a session online please find a quiet, comfortable room where you won’t be disturbed for the duration of the session, with a comfortable chair that you can relax in. 


I will guide you through conscious breathing in order to create conditions for the energy transmission and gently bring your awareness to aspects of the healing, as needed. You will be safely supported throughout the session.


An important factor prior to, during and after the session is your openness and willingness to accept the energy healing and commitment to your healing in order to shift and improve your life. 


At the end of the session, we will discuss and share aspects of the healing and what has taken place for you. Please have water available to drink and allow for some quality ‘quiet time’ afterwards for self-reflection. You may feel the energy shifting and integrating in the hours and even days after the session. 


While energy healing is not a ‘quick fix’ or ‘instant cure’ for your ailments or symptoms, it begins a process of moving and releasing stuck energy and getting to the root of the energetic disharmony within your physical, emotional and mental bodies. It works to bring greater awareness to where we can make active changes to promote harmony and health in our lives.


Cancellation terms

Scheduled session/s cancelled with less than 12 hours’ notice will be considered lost (i.e. deducted from the booked hours).


Sudden illness or similarly serious unforeseen events are acceptable grounds for late (i.e. less than 12 hours’ notice) cancellation.

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