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“Marissa has a profound understanding of Qi Gong and has the ability to transfer this understanding to the student.  In my opinion, Qi Gong cannot be book or YouTube learned. It requires a personal connection with someone who is versed in the practice. But as important it requires someone with quiet calm confidence that embodies the practice.  Marissa is this person.
Marissa is not someone who trumpets her skills or makes wild claims.  It is her groundedness that speaks to the quality of her practice and her ability to lead students to their own discovery of Qi. Marissa has guided me to see my own abilities in working with the Qi.”   

— Steven Epstein (USA)

"As someone who has journeyed quite extensively in the realm of energy work, it took no more than one session with Marissa to be convinced that I was onto something revolutionary. I had never experienced with such strength and clarity the different layers of energy that permeate our world. Through other modalities, glimpses and insights into these realms were rarities, while here, by her side, they were immediately accessible, almost tangible, allowing for the real work to begin – that of the path of discernment.

 I had been praying for a teacher to manifest who would be able to navigate through all these layers, shining the light on each frequency, explaining their subtleties and transmitting a sensible methodology to be able to tap into them independently. My prayers had finally been answered.

 Marissa’s curriculum is sharp, straight to the point and remarkably efficient. No fuss, no nonsense, no spiritual hodge-podge or other vague approaches that seem to pervade other contemporary schools. She guides you along the energetic ladder in a forward, matter-of-fact way which provides the cornerstone of a stable practice and leaves no place for doubt.

 Although she is very aware of how demanding the training is, her heart is always open and no question is ever off the table.

 I feel very lucky that our paths have intersected and I know that there is still so much work to be done. The only difference being that I now have no fear or apprehension as I feel supported by her, her lineage, and a community of uniquely talented souls who will be able to guide me on the journey ahead.

 Thank you Marissa, for showing me the way, and believing in me."

— Christophe B Destribaud, naturopath (Paris, France)

“From the start, working with Marissa felt like a very unique and precious experience. With her guidance, I was able to comprehend and use the ebbs and flows of the energy in me, and around me. It gave me a broader understanding of this human experience.

Having dabbled in various spiritual practices in the past, I never quite found the approach that suited me. Though I appreciated the quietude and the theoretical aspects of these practices, I was lacking a tangible process-oriented approach. 

Practicing qigong with Marissa, I immediately felt that I had finally found the straightforward practice I was longing for. Training with her has forever impacted my spiritual practice – it was a true blessing. Marissa is a wonderful, caring and dedicated teacher!”

— Nour, School Teacher (France)

“The 50-hour intensive Qi Gong & Internal Alchemy course with Marissa was life-changing. I studied with Marissa when I already practiced a lot of modalities like Reiki, Energy Medicine, Cranio Sacral, and Yin Yoga, but I didn’t know how to tie them all together. Part of me was still confused, ‘What is energy, really?’ After studying with Marissa, the answer was very clear to me: what energy is, and what energy is not. The course is very well structured and every class is different, I grow after every single class. She helped me discern the different energy frequencies, how to tune to them and how to benefit from them. Our training was very much focused on how to use energy to heal others, so there was a lot of partner work, which was so valuable to help validate my sensations. Marissa also helped me apply Hermetic foundations to the other modalities that I was practicing. After the course, I’m full of confidence for the healing path that I’m taking forward. Thank you, Marissa, for being one of the best teachers I’ve had. If you feel called to study with her, just do it – it will be life-changing.” 

— Alex Tran, Hermetic Reiki & TCM Meridian Therapy Practitioner (Vietnam/Canada)

"Being a Reiki Master and someone who knows a bit about life (not everything though), I came across Marissa's qigong course through a friend of mine in Thailand. Little did I know when I joined Marissa to teach me about qigong energy that it would help me in a way that I will never be able to measure on any scale.

This course took me to places that I have never been to before – the feelings, the insights, the laughter, but also the seriousness of the training was the best that I have experienced. I wish that I had’ve done this course 30 or more years ago. I think that if I had, my life would have been completely different.

Marissa is an amazing teacher, this is who she is: a great teacher. She teaches with love, kindness and care for her student. I cannot speak highly enough of this woman and her talent. She guided me through this course with such amazing insight and precision, and I remain in awe of what I was able to achieve and learn. I will always be grateful and thankful to Marissa.

If you want to succeed in life, learn more about yourself and be the man/woman you are meant to be then I would highly recommend spending a month with this down-to-earth, amazing teacher Marissa. You will be so glad that you did."

— Toby White, healer (Australia)

“I finished my internal alchemy course with Marissa. I must say that this was one of the most important courses in my spiritual journey. Through her teachings I was able to put everything together. I was able to put the puzzle pieces together and see the full picture. She empowered me. She held the space for me to grow. There was no push, no ‘you have to’. I felt loved and safe and as a result I shined. I saw the light, I was the light, I’m the light. Thank you Marissa, you are incredible. Marissa is amazing and I strongly recommend her as a teacher.”

— Diego Rochagranado, meditation and qigong teacher (Brazil)

“Before I met Marissa, I struggled to embody my sensitivity in a helpful way. I ‘knew’ it was a gift, but I also really suffered from overstimulation, shame, depression, and constant exhaustion – chronically feeling other people’s emotions. Learning Nei Dan QiGong with Marissa gradually, but also quickly, empowered me to find a new relationship to being a highly sensitive person. She knew when and how to push me, and when to just hold space for me. I needed both to remember who I really am. To learn how to push myself and hold space for myself at the same time. Fire and Water harmonised.

I had been searching for approaches that would allow me to further explore my vision of integrated spirituality – transcending our immediate human experience and taking this very human experience along on the journey. With Marissa, I found what I had not found in plant medicine and psychedelic journeys, meditation and breath work retreats: a framework to do that.

Marissa, I love you dearly and admire your integrity, dedication to your students, and power.”​

— David Berger, Holistic Trauma Therapist (Germany)

In three words, training with Marissa is TRANSFORMATIONAL, PRICELESS, EMPOWERING. In more words, there is a ‘before’ and ‘after’ the training. I had long been looking for something without really knowing what it was, but when I found Marissa I knew this was it.

Work with Marissa has opened my eyes to another realm which I didn't know was possible to reach. It has given me a big toolbox with which I can practice to enhance my quality of life, and for healing in my work as a massage therapist. The training is part of my everyday life now, helping me to align, discern and meditate.

Through Marissa I was introduced to a ‘grounded’ type of spirituality without the disconcerting hocus-pocus you see a lot today, and which would have completely shut me down to any type of learning.

With Marissa’s guidance I was able to discover and reclaim new and old aspects of myself. I am forever grateful to have such a teacher.

— Clara N Reichertz, massage therapist (Bs.As., Argentina)

Have you ever felt this magical moment when everything you’ve studied just clicked in and started to make sense? This was my experience and result after training with Marissa over the past month.

I’ve studied Chinese Medicine, Qigong, Nei Gong, and Hermetics for over a year - connecting Eastern and Western esoteric practices into my own healing modality. I've traveled across the globe to learn from various masters and gained pieces of wisdom here-and-there, but never the complete picture.  

 Marissa was the missing link for me. She helped bridge my understanding across multiple disciplinaries; be it connecting my knowledge of Chinese Meridian Therapy with the vital life-force, opening up clairvoyance abilities to make sense of the esoteric world that I’ve studied in books, or balancing my body to relieve personality flaws and healing physical ailments. She's taught me how to use energy to heal others, dissolve past-life traumas, absorb skillsets from other dimensions, connect with planetary spheres and dieties, and most importantly: a concrete pathway towards healing my life-long physical, emotional, and mental ailments.

 Regardless of your latent talent, she has a knack of bringing it out to full expression. Her stillness provides room for you to think and grow - not in a way that she defines, but rather she helps nurture you towards your highest good and most unique expression of your true Self.  She holds stillness, giving you space to grow. She considers your learning goals and bridges the path for you to reach your desired outcome.

 When Marissa looks at you, she sees your highest potential. There is much love, compassion, and space in her presence. She holds the true presence of a Master - one who’ve fought, integrated, and made peace with her own demons. She is moved by her devotion to guide you towards your own path of integration.

 I’ve studied with multiple masters, but my time learning from Marissa was when I felt like I grew the most. I’ve evolved and transcended beyond what I thought possible. This is not to discount my past learnings; as I’ve received many seeds of wisdom and inspiration from my past teachers. Marissa simply nurtured these seeded potentials within me, so that it can blossom to its fullest expression.

 Thank you Marissa for your presence; being the compassionate teacher that you are and holding space for all the seekers who have destiny to receive your guidance.

— James S.B. Chan, student of Classical Chinese Medicine and Hermetics (Vietnam/Canada)

Learning qigong with Marissa has taught me everything that I need to know in order to enjoy experiencing life. Reality stays the same, it’s how we perceive it through our eyes clouded by our past experiences – whether we are surviving by validating our existence as an individual human being, or actually living in the moment and enjoying this beautiful opportunity to experience love and happiness. Meeting Marissa was the most important part of my life and in perfect timing. I’m lucky to be able to take both lessons and experiences that I’ve had with her – to keep them close to my heart and in my memories forever. Thank you, Marissa, for the unconditional love I’ve always longed for, showing me that I do deserve the love and happiness I’ve always dreamed of. Thank you for holding my hand and staying by my side while also revealing that I’ve had the key to every locked door that I’ve been too afraid to walk through alone. I’m no longer that scared little girl that was trapped inside my closed heart. I’ve reclaimed the power that I’d previously given to so many people who didn’t deserve it, and I now stand in power as a high valued woman.

— Salanya Reinhard, martial alchemist (Thailand)

“Although I’ve been practicing Qi Gong and Tai Chi for a few years, when I met Marissa and experienced her way of practicing, it changed everything: she gives precious tools not only for the practice of Qi Gong, but also for enhancing the quality of life.
Marissa offers a bridge to go beyond the form, to go within and sink into the present moment and breathe, touch and store the energy that is around and inside us, and that is freely available for everyone. Is it so precious and revolutionary during difficult times to have such tools.
I’m very grateful for Marissa’s generosity in sharing Qi Gong with an open heart and giving me the possibility of doing the same with others.”  

— Gabriela Flores (Italy)

"After years of searching and healing with great teachers on my path, I am unbelievably grateful for having met Marissa. Her deep knowledge, sensitivity, kind heart, and willingness to pass to her students everything she has makes her one of the best healers and teachers I have ever met. The way of inner alchemy she teaches has been literally life-changing for me and is still ongoing. Without a doubt I have never experienced such fast and profound transformation in such a short time. Even though training with Marissa is serious business I can wholeheartedly recommend her, from absolute beginner to very advanced practitioner – searching for freedom of heart, body, mind, and soul. The insights and energy she shares are incredibly strong and profound, while teaching tools for endless energetic explorations, healing and play. Thank you for everything." 

— Dominik (Germany)

"I started Qigong with Marissa a month ago. I had been meditating for a few years but I still felt like I was searching for something, though I wasn’t quite sure what. In hindsight I was looking for a spiritual practice that really resonated with me. What I have learned from Marissa already in just a few sessions has been nothing short of life changing. I have learned how to physically feel, connect with, and work with energy. This was a huge revelation and opened up a whole new world to me. It is a joy to practice and it has had a very positive effect on my life. Generally, I feel more centred, happy and peaceful and more connected to the people in my life. Marissa is a wonderful teacher. She is kind, patient, open, knowledgeable and clear. She has a very calming presence that makes you feel comfortable quickly. I highly recommend working with Marissa!"

— Orla (Ireland)

"Marissa is a special soul. In a loving way she tells you exactly what you need to hear – not necessarily what you want to hear. But that’s what we need to grow: honesty. Marissa is like a coach, therapist and healer all rolled into one. 

I’ve suffered my whole life with anxiety, depression, trauma, and self loathing. I’ve tried so many different avenues and therapies. Nothing gave me real lasting change. It didn’t get to the root of my pain. After nearly 40 years I thought I was never going to get over this internal mountain, never going to get out of this constant self-hatred.

Marissa was able to show me what is possible, who I really am, and what I have to do to heal. She was able to remind me and reinforce that I have the power to heal and change and grow.

Through fairly simple exercises and changing the way I interact with myself, I think I have FINALLY got a grasp on furthering my healing and living a more positive life. It isn’t always perfect; there are dips where I fall back and wonder if I’ve made any progress. But the difference now is I am able to step back into that positive mind frame, usually within only a few days. I’ve seen real hopefully lasting change. And I know it will last … I just have to keep up my practice. That’s kind of another thing I’ve learnt: you can’t half-ass healing and feeling good. It takes work and it takes dedication, like anything else in life you really want. I’m cool with that. Take it more seriously, work a little harder. We only have one of these lives after all. That we know of …

Thanks for all you’ve done for me, Marissa – for your constant care, love and dedication, and for going well above and beyond the call of duty. I don’t know where I’d be without you."

— Jarrod Terrell, actor/comedian (Toronto, Canada)

“In just a few classes, my spiritual practice has dramatically changed because of Marissa’s teachings. Her instructions and knowledge have allowed me to grasp a deeper, more meaningful understand of energy, my body and nature. Right after our Tree Qi Gong session, I was able to have an amazing break-through healing experience. I am grateful to her for sharing her wisdom; it has lead me to witness an immense connection with my body and mind. Her expertise on energy is one of the best in Chiang Mai!”

— Su Min De León (USA)

“I’ve known Marissa since I started training Chi Gong in Chiang Mai for the last 7 years. Marissa has a solid and lovable character. In the last 2 years she has been leading me privately in Chi Gong and Tai Chi classes. Marissa has years of experience in martial arts in general and Chi Gong in particular. She has excellent positive energy, acute meditative awareness and styles. She has excellent flow and connection with the natural surrounding environment. She shines a resonance on her class that benefits students. I always look forward to our sessions.”

— Jasem Qabazard (Kuwait)

“I trained with Marissa for about 10 days. During those 10 days of intense training I learned to feel and transform and let go of emotions and/or energy on the vital, astral and mental planes and fill the gaps with positive emotions.
I learned how to balance the four elements within my body and how to heal the main five organs with the healing power of my hands and Qi. Being able to really connect with trees, to tap into their energy and wisdom, was another gift of the training with Marissa.
Marissa is a wonderful, aware, sensitive, passionate, strong, experienced, skilled, and also challenging teacher. She helps and motivates you to become a better version of yourself and to spread the wisdom and teach others to do the same. She helps you to experience and feel something whose existence you might have doubted before – all of that in a very loving but professional way. 
I trained with Marissa about two months ago and have to admit that I grew immensely thanks to Qi Gong and my teacher. My inner strength recently got tested in a very intense way, and I was very proud to note how strong I had become. Learning and practicing Qi Gong (amongst other inner work) helped on this path of inner growth.
I recommend these classes to anyone who wants to experience him/herself on a deeper level, who is looking for change and true strength in their lives, who longs for those quiet meditative moments in which you move and connect with the inner self and nature: everybody who is ready to do the inner work that is necessary to bring about true change, Marissa is the right teacher for you! I am proud to be in her lineage.”

— Nadja Woker (Germany)

“Marissa is skillful in her art with much knowledge of Qigong. I find her teaching on the physical, spiritual and energetic aspects to be very clear and easy to understand. She is always happy to share as much information as she can, with no holding back.
Training Qigong with Marissa has transformed my life, and I’m definitely impressed with the benefits. Her kindness and her great sense of humour make the training a great deal of fun! I will continue training with Marissa as long as I can. Thank you Marissa.”

— Werinkarn Sobsatrasorn (Thailand)

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